2023 Tesla Investor Day: Elon Musk Explains Master Plan 3 (March. 1st)
Elon Musk: All right, master plan part three. So as Zach was mentioning, the thing that I think is we wanted to convey probably more importantly than anything else that we're talking about here, is that there is a clear path to a sustainable energy Earth. It doesn't require destroying natural habitats. It doesn't require us to be austere and stop using electricity and sort of be in the cold or anything. The story, and I think that this holds together quite well, will be actually publishing a detailed white paper with all of our assumptions and calculations, is that there is a clear path to a fully sustainable Earth with abundance. In fact, you could support a civilization much bigger than Earth, much more than the eight billion humans could actually be supported sustainably on Earth. And I'm just often shocked and surprised by how few people realize this. Most of the smart people I know actually don't see this clear path. They think that there's ...